Mail & Packages

Mail & Packages

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Students residing in on-campus residence halls must obtain a P.O. Box to receive USPS mail. To obtain a P.O. Box, a student must complete an application (applications are available at the MSU Post Office) and turn it into USPS staff. See details at Two forms of identification are required to apply. Fees begin at $40, depending on the box size. Two keys are provided to each box holder. 

Please note:

  • Packages being delivered by FedEx, UPS, Amazon, DHL, etc. can be delivered to the residence halls. All hall addresses can be found at the bottom of this web page.
  • All mail being delivered through the United States Postal Service (USPS) will require a student P.O. box. 

Students who have a P.O. Box should address their mail in the following manner:

Sally Student
P.O. Box ___
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Students who do not have a P.O. Box will not receive mail via USPS while living on campus.

If a student is receiving a package via DSL, Fed Ex, UPS, Amazon, etc. should address their package in the following manner:

NOTE: Providers such as DHL, Fed Ex, or UPS do have national contracts with USPS. Often these providers will have USPS deliver these packages on their behalf. With that being said, sometimes even if a package is from DSL, Fed Ex, or USP, it will be delivered to the Post Office (USPS) and the Post Office (USPS) will then become responsible for the delivery/pick up of that package. That is why students should have a P.O. Box while living on campus.

Sam Student
______ Residence Hall
Room _____
Street Address (see below)
Mississippi State, MS 39762*

*All campus residence halls are at Mississippi State, MS 39762.


Mailing addresses for campus residence facilities include:
Azalea Hall 595 Barr Ave.
Cresswell Hall 36 Magruder St.
Critz Hall 685 Barr Ave.
Deavenport Hall 220 Bailey Howell Drive
Dogwood Hall 705 George Perry Street
Griffis Hall 500 Bailey Howell Dr.
Hathorn Hall 76 Magruder St.
Herbert Hall 170 Herbert St.
Hull Hall 85 Walker Rd.
Hurst Hall 95 Hurst Lane.
Magnolia Hall 15 Morgan Avenue
McKee Hall 450 Lee Blvd.
Moseley Hall 55 Magruder Street
Nunnelee Hall 215 Hurst Lane
Oak Hall 205 Magruder Street
Ruby Hall 75 Hurst Lane
Sessums Hall 459 Lee Blvd.