Closing Information - Spring 2024

Closing Information - Spring 2024


SUMMER is almost here! We are proud of your accomplishments this year and wish you luck on your final exams! Don't forget that you must check out of your residence hall rooms before you head out for summer break.*

Check-out should occur no later than 24 hours following your last exam.

You have two options for checking out of your residence hall: Full RA Check-Out or Express Check-Out.

Full RA Check-Out

For a Full RA Check-Out, you need to schedule a check-out appointment with your RA at least 24 hours before your desired appointment time. You may visit your RA’s room 24 hours before your intended check-out. They will have a list of times available for check-out outside their door. Sign up for a time that works for you on the schedule. If there isn’t a time that works, visit another RA in the building and sign-up for a time on their sheet.

Failure to schedule your appointment in advance will result in a $50 improper check-out charge

At your appointment, staff will assess any damage charges, collect any keys, and sign the appropriate departure paperwork.

Full RA Check-Out Check List:

  • Remove ALL personal belongings
  • Empty trash and take to the outside dumpster
  • Thoroughly clean the room (dust, sweep/vacuum, scrub bathroom and/or room sink)
  • Empty, defrost, and clean the refrigerator (Do not unplug but turn to warmest setting)
  • Set thermostat to low-cool and/or 70 degrees
  • All furniture must be returned to its’ original location
  • Close windows (if applicable)
  • Close blinds
  • Attend your scheduled appointment with housing staff
  • Tap your ID at the front desk on your way out for summer break!

Express Check-Out

If you participate in Express Check-Out, you waive your right to contest any damages and will be responsible for any damages assessed by Housing and Residence Life staff members. Failure to turn in a hard key/room key if you were issued one will result in a lock change charge beginning at $140.00 or higher.

After your departure, housing staff will assess your room for any abandoned property or damages. If abandoned property or damages are found, your student account will be charged.

Express Check-Out Check List:

  • Attend your RA's closing floor meeting
  • Pick up Express Check-Out envelope from front desk
  • Carefully read and understand agreement made by utilizing Express Check-Out
  • Completely fill out Express Check-Out envelope
  • Empty, defrost, and clean refrigerator (Do not unpluc but turn to warmest setting)
  • Remove ALL personal belongings
  • Thoroughly clean the room (dust, sweep/vacuum, scrub bathroom)
  • All furniture must be returned to its’ original location.
  • Close windows (if applicable)
  • Close blinds
  • Set thermostat to low-cool and/or 70 degrees
  • Exit your room and lock the door
  • Place your key in Express Check-Out envelope and seal it (if applicable)
  • Return Express Check-Out envelope to the front desk. NOT YOUR STUDENT ID!
  • Tap your ID at the front desk on your way out for summer break!

We will miss you on campus this summer but are looking forward to starting off Fall 2024 refreshed, revitalized, and restored!

*Enrolled in Summer classes? Apply for Summer Housing today on your Housing Portal

Hail State!

Department of Housing and Residence Life
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 9502
Physical Address: Dogwood Hall, Ground Floor
705 George Perry Street
Mississippi State, MS 39762
662.325.3555 (P)
662.325.4663 (F)

Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity institution.  Discrimination in university employment, programs, or activities based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, religion, national origin, disability, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, or any other status protected by applicable law is prohibited. Questions about equal opportunity programs or compliance should be directed to the Office of Civil Rights Compliance, 231 Famous Maroon Band Street, P.O. Box 6044, Mississippi State, MS, (662) 325-5839.